Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Hum De Dum

So I'm sitting in my apartment, delaying doing my homework and I'm a little sad. I'm not sure why. 2006/2007 schoolwise has been such a blah year. Spring break just ended and it was super fun. I can't believe I only had one kick back day and that was Sunday when I was getting to leave home anyhoo. Everyday I hung out with friends and I felt super duper loved. Now three days back into school I feel all lonely and bored...I don't even know who I'm going to live with next year. Whatever I guess I'll figure that out later.
Anyways, I have this friend who always makes fun of me for liking stuff music wise, movie wise, actor wise, anything wise. But then they always say they like that stuff 2 days later. It bugs me sooo much because they make me feel bad but then they turn around and pretend like they never said that. So I guess my biggest pet peeve would be a hypocrites.

I'm not usually this sad. siggghhhhhh I was SO happy like 3 days ago. It's Riverside maaaan.

Ok...let me think positive. OH I know Zanessa. I think my love for them has rubbed on my friends which is kind of annoying...but I guess I do talk about it a lot. Anyways they're sooo dating I mean he took her to the KCA's. You don't do that with just anyone. Hahahahaha I hope they break away from Disney. She's SO perfect. Ahhh
Ok that made me a little happier.